Sunday 29 May 2016

Divide and Conquer Line Algorithm for the ZX Spectrum

While attempting to write a game in 256 bytes I needed a routine to draw lines, but Bresenham's line algorithm weighs in at approx ~120 bytes. The only suitable alternative I'm aware of is recursive divide and conquer: divide a line into two smaller lines and call the draw routine with each in turn:

/* Draw a line from (ax,ay) to (bx,by) */

int draw ( ax, ay, bx, by )
    int midx, midy;
    midx = ( ax+bx ) / 2;
    midy = ( ay+by ) / 2;
    if ( midx != ax && midy != ay )
        draw( midx, midy, ax, ay );
        draw( bx, by, midx, midy );
        plot( midx, midy );

This is significantly smaller thank Bresenham's, 32 byte of Z80. However, there are a couple of compromises: it's slower and the lines aren't perfect because the rounding errors accumulate.

; draw lines using recursive divide and conquer
; from de = end1 (d = x-axis, e = y-axis)
; to   hl = end2 (h = x-axis, l = y-axis)

  call PLOT

  push hl

; calculate hl = centre pixel

  ld a,l
  add a,e
  ld l,a
  ld a,h
  add a,d
  ld h,a

; if de (end1) = hl (centre) then we're done

  or a
  sbc hl,de
  jr z,EXIT
  add hl,de

  ex de,hl
  call DRAW    ; de = centre, hl = end1
  ex (sp),hl
  ex de,hl
  call DRAW    ; de = end2, hl = centre

  ex de,hl
  pop de

  pop hl

; ---------------------------

; plot d = x-axis, e = y-axis

  push hl
  ld a,d
  and 7
  ld b,a
  inc b
  ld a,e
  or a
  ld l,a
  xor e
  and 248
  xor e
  ld h,a
  ld a,l
  xor d
  and 7
  xor d
  ld l,a
  ld a,1
  djnz PLOTBIT
  or (hl)
  ld (hl),a
  pop hl

Alternatively the de(end1) = hl(centre) test can be replaced with a recursion depth count to create an even slower 28 byte routine:

; draw lines using recursive divide and conquer
; from de = end1 (d = x-axis, e = y-axis)
; to   hl = end2 (h = x-axis, l = y-axis)

  ld c,8

  dec c
  jr z,EXIT

  push de

; calculate de = centre pixel

  ld a,l
  add a,e
  ld e,a
  ld a,h
  add a,d
  ld d,a

  call DRAW2   ; de = centre, hl = end1
  ex (sp),hl
  call DRAW2   ; de = centre, hl = end2

  call PLOT
  ex de,hl
  pop hl
  inc c


  1. Fantastic work! Thanks for sharing, if I had a ZX Spectrum, I'd definitely try this out. :)

  2. Hi John,

    Do you know where I can find an implementation of the Bresenham line drawing in Z80? I'm not too bothered about the size of the code, I'm just trying to understand how to do it correctly, :)

  3. That PLOT: routine pretty much sums up why I never managed to learn machine code. It's easy to learn what all the instructions do on their own, but when they get put together, they just become a jumble.

    You set the last three bits of the X co-ordinate and add one to it, for some reason. And then it gets really weird when you move on to the Y coordinate. I think "rra, scf, rra, or a, rra" might mean something like "divide by 8 then add 64" but when you Xor it with the number you first thought of, then And it with something else, and Xor it with the number you first thought of once again, my brain just turns to mush.

    How does anyone follow all that, let alone understand it enough to write it?

    1. Ah, I've just worked out that setting the last 3 bits and adding one is probably like rounding the X co-ordinate up to the next multiple of 8. Maybe that's something to do with the X axis having 8 pixels to each screen byte? Am I getting warmer?

      Though if you're trying to use as few bytes as possible (to pack as much game as possible into a 16K Spectrum?) a simple CALL to ROM would only be 3 bytes. That's a lot less than all this "Round up and divide by the number you first thought of" stuff.


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